I had a great talk with Buck Sexton of GBTV’s (Glenn Beck TV) show, The Blazeabout modern snipers the other day. I always enjoy going on The Blaze because they’re read up on the issues and this is not always the case with other interviewers. You can read the full sniper story here.

Buck and I are planning on putting some rounds down range later this summer as part of an interactive sniper interview. The interview will showcase sniper capabilities and put him through a sniper familiarization course to give him an idea of what’s expected of today’s modern sniper.  Stay tuned, it should be good stuff.

While inter-service rivalry can be a good thing (healthy competition drives innovation) I do want to describe some of the differences in the U.S. sniper programs. This is a high level 50,000 feet AGL look so ease back on the throttle if you’re expecting me to dive into course learning objectives, and minute of angle (MOA) discussions.

Here we go…

The USMC sniper course has always been a solid course of instruction. The other thing to point out is that it’s somewhat of a selection course and a badge of honor to earn the USMC SS qual. The Marine Corps produce some of the finest riflemen/riflewomen in the World, these are hard shooting individuals that show up to the USMC course. This matters greatly in the training of a sniper. Showing up on the door step of any sniper course and having the fundamentals of marksmanship down pat is HUGE and a big advantage the Marines have over courses, especially the basic Army sniper course (now 8 weeks in length).

Army Courses
The two Army courses are basic sniper (recently increased to 8 weeks) and the Special Operations Target Interdiction Course or what is commonly known as SOTIC.

Photo: Author, Brandon Webb (Private collection), with Barrett MRAD-Private Range in CA

Photo: Author, Brandon Webb (Private collection), with Barrett MRAD-Private Range in CA.