First things first. I was never a big fan of Biden’s pier in Gaza. In general, giving aid and comfort to the enemy is never a good idea. Yes, I know the argument that it was only built to help out the citizens of Gaza and not Hamas. If you believe the pier and all that it brings into Gaza will not help Hamas at least as much as it aids the average citizen, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.  Need I remind you that Hamas is a terrorist organization? In my humble opinion, all terrorist organizations are enemies of the United States.

We, the United States of America, are helping both sides in the Israel/Hamas war. It doesn’t take a graduate of the War College to let you know that, at best, this is going to prolong the conflict, bringing about increasing amounts of death and destruction on both sides.

And, with that statement, I’ll take a step off my soapbox.

The Facts of the Matter

Biden’s Gaza pier is a failure that cost the US taxpayers nearly a quarter billion dollars. I don’t care who you ask; that’s not exactly chump change. Since it was completed in May this year, it has only been in operation for ten days. You can do the math on that one: $23 million dollars a day. What could we do with that money here at home? Well, for about $25 million bucks, we could build a brand new elementary school for our children. If you’ve ever visited my home state of Florida, you’ll know there is an urgent need for this…but I digress.

Biden’s pier was recently damaged significantly by rough seas. To date, we’ve spent an additional $22 million in repairs.

Sat pier photo Gaza
A satellite view of the Gaza pier. Image courtesy of Planet Labs

The pier, which you’ll often hear the Pentagon refer to as JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over the Shore), had to be relocated to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs. While we are on the subject, let’s not forget that one US service member was seriously injured while working on the pier as it broke apart, and he had to be flown to an Israeli hospital for treatment. Two others had less significant injuries and were treated and returned to duty. Over 1,000 US troops in total labored to put the pier in place.

A Temporary Bandaid

Military planners always knew the pier was not a long-term solution to anything. Original estimates talked of the pier having to be dismantled in September when seas become too rough to sustain such a structure. Today, there is talk that it may have to be dismantled as early as next month. That would make it barely qualify as an expensive gesture.