A Path to Renewed Patriotism and National Unity

It’s a sobering thought, but it might be time to talk about bringing back the draft.

With plummeting numbers of volunteers for the US military and the recent headlines about Israel drafting Orthodox Jews, we’re forced to confront an uncomfortable truth: America might need a little forced patriotism to mend its fractured cultural landscape.

Let’s face it, America’s political and cultural decay is like a raging hangover after a night of reckless abandon in Phuket Thailand – and we desperately need a cure for the headache.

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: why the hell would we want to bring back the draft? Isn’t it an archaic, draconian practice best left in the dusty annals of history? Sure, but so is penicillin, and no one’s arguing against that miracle.

The fact is, our current all-volunteer force is facing a crisis. Recruitment numbers are tanking, and we’re left scrambling for ways to fill the ranks. Meanwhile, Israel is taking it’s own bold steps by drafting Orthodox Jews, a move that’s bound to ruffle feathers but underscores a crucial point: national service isn’t just about filling quotas; it’s about uniting a country behind a common purpose.

Some type of national service might just be the antidote to the decay America is experiencing.

Imagine a nation where young men, women, and they/them regardless of background or belief, are brought together to serve their country. It’s not just about military service, either. Think infrastructure projects, community service, and disaster response. We could forge a sense of shared responsibility and collective effort that’s sorely missing in our fragmented society.

Draft Card
A Vietnam Era Draft Card

Benefits of National Service: