Last week, Russia President Vladmir Putin delivered an address that included quite a bit of nuclear rhetoric that was as reminiscent of the Soviet era as Putin himself. From new intercontinental ballistic missiles designed specifically to circumvent U.S. defenses to cruise missiles with nuclear propulsion and near limitless fuel reserves … it would seem that Russia has just dropped a bomb (of sorts) on the Geopolitical arena. As Putin said himself, “Russia still has the greatest nuclear potential in the world, but nobody listened to us. Listen now.”

Well, the world is listening now, Mr. Putin – but then, we always were. While plenty of news outlets are eager to market the end of the world to you, the nuclear “announcements” made by Putin last week weren’t really announcements at all. Let’s break down the four nuclear programs Putin outlined, and what we already know:

The RS-28 Sarmat or “Satan II” ICBM

(Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau)

The Satan II is Russia’s latest and greatest intercontinental ballistic missile platform, and it makes concerns about Kim Jong’s Un’s Hwasong-15 seem almost laughable by comparison. First announced in Russian state media in 2014, the platform launches like any other ICBM, and employs liquid fuel boosters, rather than solid fuel. This means it will take longer to prepare for launch, but offers benefits to the missile’s performance that Russian engineers seemed to feel warranted the added prep-time, including a maximum range believed to be around 11,000 miles.

Where the Satan II differentiates itself from other Russian ICBMs is in its approach to its target.

“It has a large number of divided parts, from 10 to 15 warheads, each with a capacity of up to 750 kilotons,” Russian military analyst, Alexei Leonkov, said in Russian state media. “They will fly to their target at hypersonic speeds performing maneuvers so that the existing American missile defense system would be incapable of intercepting them.”

How does this affect our nuclear posture?

To be succinct … it really doesn’t. The RS-28 Sarmat, or Satan II, represents a significant leap forward in Russian ballistic missile technology, but there was never a question that Russia’s ICBMs could overwhelm America’s missile defense systems before. The Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System (GMD System) America employs for domestic missile defense has been experienced a number of issues over the years, including test failures and delayed updating required to make the interceptors reliable. As it stands, America would likely be able to intercept as many as a handful of incoming ICBMs by launching as many as five interceptors at each incoming warhead, but nuclear war with Russia would invariably mean hundreds of incoming missiles – and absolutely zero chance of American assets intercepting them all.