On Monday, U.S. president Donald Trump met with Russian president Vladimir Putin in a long-touted meeting that both leaders claimed was in the interest of de-escalating tensions between the two nations. After their scheduled 90-minute meeting ran long, the two moved to podiums where they delivered prepared addresses to the media regarding the subjects they discussed, though in the American media immediately following the event, the focus has primarily been on the American president’s responses during the following question and answer period alone.

America’s foreign policy regarding Russia has primarily been reactionary in recent years. America has not established “first strike” sanctions against the Russian economy, nor has the Trump administration gone out of their way to establish new sanctions without provocation: in other words, Russia’s behavior, not any leader’s rhetoric, has served as the driving force behind U.S./Russian tensions. As Donald Trump has called for improved relations with Russia, there’s no denying that his administration has instituted a series of new sanctions as a result of Russia’s aggressive behavior, the U.S. participated in multiple missile strikes against assets allied with Russia in Syria, and the U.S. expelled Russian diplomats following the apparent use of a Soviet-era nerve toxin against civilians in the U.K. As a point of fact, the United States has maintained a fairly firm approach to Russia’s hybrid warfare tactics on a national level, even amid Trump’s optimistic claims about improving bilateral relations.

Putin, who spoke first after their meeting in Helsinki, Finland, came off as polished and diplomatic in his statements, though the even keel of his delivery (as well as that of his nearly monotone interpreter) did little to convey the weight of some of his remarks — and within the vacuum of the event, one could be excused for thinking of Putin as a strong leader with aspirations for peace. However, outside of that vacuum, with Russian foreign policy as a reference, his remarks sounded more like posturing and even a bit of intentional deceit.

What follows is a brief breakdown of some of Putin’s remarks, along with a brief explanation of how they run counter to Russian foreign policy over recent months and years.

Regarding the tensions between Russia and the United States.

It’s quite clear to everyone that the bilateral relationship are going through a complicated stage, and yet those impediments, the current tension, the tense atmosphere, essentially have no solid reason behind it. The Cold War is a thing of past, the era of acute ideological confrontation of the two countries is a thing of remote past, is a vestige of the past. The situation in the world changed dramatically.

While true that the Cold War is indeed a thing of the past, much of the tension between Russia and the United States comes as a direct result of Russia’s aggressive behavior. Their military annexation of Crimea in 2014 launched a resurgence of tensions and concerns throughout the European continent, their tacit support of Kim Jong Un’s nuclear ambitions helped bolster Kim’s diplomatic and political positioning, their support of Bashar al Assad’s Syrian regime despite its continued of use of chemical weapons against civilians and more are clear examples of the “cause” that lead to a degraded relations “effect.” Add to that claims of Russian nuclear submarines using American naval yards as test beds for their stealth capabilities, and Russia’s actions have proven them to be a diplomatic opponent to America and her allies repeatedly in recent months.

Regarding nuclear weapons and orbital defense.