Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you undoubtedly have been witness to the media coverage of the horrible massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School last month. Since then, there has been an inundation of political mud-slinging regarding gun control, mental health issues, school security, and overall safety of our citizens. I’d like to take a few moments to cover a common sense approach method to safe-guarding our nation’s most prized possession: our children.

As a former Special Operations member, and a staunch supporter of our 2nd amendment, I certainly have very strong opinions as to the validity and importance of maintaining our right to keep and bear arms. That being said, I also realize that firearms in our schools is a hotbed issue that our country seems to be so divided on that it just further complicates being able to have an adult discussion about it.

Due to the disparity of emotional response on both sides as to how to combat this problem, I believe the most viable solution that both mitigates the risk of an active shooter in a school, yet also eases the tension regarding having firearms in schools, is to employ a security dog.

A security dog is an incredible asset to have in a school. It not only acts as a deterrent for would-be shooters, but also, if needed to be called into action, is right there on the premises to neutralize that threat.

Security dogs are unlike any other measure in that it is the one tool that cannot be taken from you and used against you. Pepper spray, stun guns, batons, firearms, weapons etc. can all be taken from you and then used against you. They can be stolen or lost, they can malfunction, and they can cause more problems if they are in incompetent hands that don’t have adequate experience using them. A security dog however, will not have any of these issues.

Some common questions and concerns I hear people ask are:

A dog is no match for a guy with a gun, it’s a suicide mission

As a nation, we have been effectively utilizing dogs in combat for over a decade recently, and quite frankly since the dawn of man we have used dogs to aid us in combat. In theater, our dogs routinely go up against hardened combat proven fighters and have been largely successful. A “call of duty” wannabe that didn’t get hugged enough as a child pails in comparison to what our military dogs go up against day in and day out. If our professional soldiers trust these animals with their lives, we can trust them to protect our children as well.