Great job for using escalation of force protocol. Correction, new policy: Great job at most likely dying, to appease disconnected grandstandersThe National Border Patrol Council (Border Patrol Union,) that represents 18,000 Federal Border Agents announced on the night of May 27th,

 CBP once again panders to the ACLU and illegal alien advocates by creating this award. This type of thinking will get Border Patrol agents killed. If that happens we will hold the creators of this award accountable. This is despicable. – NBCP

The criteria for the award is,

The Use of Deadly Force Encounter Averted award is to recognize an employee who demonstrated clear situational awareness and courage while disarming a suspect using contact controls and verbal commands before the situation escalated to the use of deadly force. The act must demonstrate courage in the face of an armed suspect and result in no injury in accordance with agencies use of force policy. –CBP

The award appears to be for tactical mistakes that ended well, and mostly thanks to luck. That luck will need to be relied on if the award gains traction with internal policy, as the award criteria becomes an expectation and not the exception.

National Border Patrol Council Vice President Shawn Moran told Breitbart Texas in an interview Friday evening.

They want us to put ourselves in a bad tactical situation, this could lead to one of our agents getting killed.

A logical statement, as word will spread that violent and aggressive criminals will conceivably have a free pass, that is if they are willing to risk drawing a weapon and escape arrest.  Are we sending the message that if you’re willing to kill; we won’t stop you?