There is an internet typhoon of arguments and smug derision about the AR-15 and other assault “style” rifles like the Sig MCX used in Orlando.  The latest stories indicate that many in the gay and lesbian communities are buying these very rifles in record numbers for self protection.  

Last Wednesday morning, West Hollywood California woke to find posters featuring a rainbow version of the Gadsden Flag featuring a rattlesnake and the words “Don’t Tread on me”. The flags also had the hashtag #ShootBack.  I welcome the LGBTQ communites to our civil rights movement and pledge my support for them and our rights.

I won’t rehash the arguments for responsible gun ownership nor refute those who believe the state should have a monopoly on violence.  I would like to ask one simple question.

I preface my question with these facts. Nearly every police department in America has officers who carry AR-15 rifles or machine guns unavailable to civilians such as the M-4 Carbine.  Our Congress has its very  own police department armed with machine guns.

Capitol Police Officer Photo courtesy of
Capitol Police Officer Photo courtesy of

A Presidential candidate stated that “weapons of war have no place on our streets” as she walked our streets literally surrounded by a Secret Service Detail armed with actual fully automatic weapons of war.

If police need machine guns to protect themselves, is it unreasonable that I am able to purchase a self loading rifle designed 50 years ago which uses a minor caliber varmint cartridge to protect my home and my family?

The Constitution is very clear on this matter.  Our system of government was designed by geniuses to be operated by morons.  Government can not possibly protect everyone every where.  Our Constitution affirms the natural, some would say God given, right to self defense and guarantees access to effective implements for self protection.

Gun rights are the most basic civil rights.  Even if you have no interest in guns or self preservation, gun rights are a barometer of freedom.  Countries with no gun rights are on a short path to totalitarian government and the elimination of all other civil rights.  This story has been repeated many times through history. America is a unique and shining example to the world.  Our effective response to terror and crime is a population who takes responsibility for their own protection.