If you don’t understand the image, watch ‘City of God’ to catch up on the many, fiction meets fact happenings as the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics continues to unfurl.

Over the past few months, agencies and governments – one after another have stressed that increased security will be a paramount factor at the Olympics to deter terrorism – Daesh ‘ISIS’ threats and crime. Albeit, 20 percent of the Games’ security budget was cut, just before the games, due to the state of the Brazilian economy – that seems like a reason to increase security, at least to me. And yet, the games have thus far been the most crime ridden, and if armed street criminals cannot be deterred . . . How exactly are terrorists to be deterred?

The mosquito-borne pathogen, and STD, Zika, which mutates fetuses in the womb is on the scene as well. Zika, and upon numbers of people who can be checked, has infected 166,000 and is now set to spread on a global pandemic. Thanks in part to the 500,000 foreign visitors, 88,000 security forces, 11,000 athletes, their staff, and a hefty contingent of media on the scene in Rio. Along with a threat from the waterways, besides the mutilated body parts that have washed ashore, and where dead fish litter the banks of, Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro. A result of medical waste from local hospitals, which has created a “super bacteria.” German Athlete, Heiko Kroger told CNN.“It feels like there’s some alien enemy entering your face.

At least Team USA has been crushing it, thus far.

For these are the 2016 summer Games. Wherein the Russian Federation, as a harbinger for the disastrous chain of events in Brazil; Team Putin kicked off the Olympic-centric abasement with a campaign of, drugs, lies, and spies – for the love of the game.


Welcome to Hell,

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On the ground, reporters rooms were sacked and pillaged, the plumbing has been releasing pure evil, and the rooms are falling apart. At least they’re not in the Olympic Village, which has hosted an abundance of health, infrastructure and security concerns. From faulty fire alarms, and exposed wires to burglary– this year’s Olympics appears to lack the safe zone for any rambunctious sex stories.