Police have identified Anis Amri, 23, an asylum seeker from Tunisia as a suspect in the deadly truck attack at the Christmas market that left 12 people killed and wounded 48. Amri’s identification papers were found under the seat in the semi-truck used in the attack. Police believe that he might have been injured in the incident after finding blood in the cab of the truck that did not belong to the deceased Polish truck driver.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Berlin truck attack.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility, praising the person responsible saying: “A soldier of the Islamic State (who) carried out the attack in response to calls for targeting citizens of the crusader coalition.”- CBS News

Amri might be connected with Abu Walaa, a known IS leader. Walaa was arrested last month in Germany for recruiting fighters for the Islamic State and attempting to send them to Syria. There are reports that Amri may have already been under telephone surveillance prior to the Berlin truck attack but that has not been confirmed at this time. More information to follow.


Youtube image of Abu Walaa

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