The 2017 Crossfit Games, the annual fitness competition involving hundreds of thousands of Crossfit enthusiasts from around the world, now includes a military and first responder competitive division.

Military members, police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians will have the opportunity to compete in their own respective categories, and compare their scores.

Since debuting in 2007, the Crossfit Games have earned notoriety for claiming to be able to measure and assess the ‘Fittest’ athlete on Earth. These separate divisions potentially allow someone from the military to claim the title ‘Fittest Military Member on Earth’.

But while they may be the Fittest service member on the planet, they will still have to measure up to the professional Crossfit athletes if they wish to compete at the Games.

Crossfit is an exercise program that frequently polarizes opinions in the fitness industry. Its proponents are known for their die-hard dedication to the community; its detractors are equally vocal.

As an exercise methodology, Crossfit is defined as “constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.” The ‘workout of the day,’ or WOD as it is known to those in the community, are intentionally different every day, and designed to be unusually physically and mentally taxing.

Crossfit’s tight-knit community, unique vernacular, and intense physical culture has many parallels with the military, and perhaps not surprisingly, has become a huge hit with service members. Crossfit clubs have sprung up at nearly all military bases around the world, to include in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This close relationship with the military and Crossfit’s emphasis on service and sacrifice has manifested itself with “Hero WODs,” or workouts usually named after a fallen service member that are particularly difficult to complete.