You can all agree with me crossbows have become a popular weapon after the AMC’s Walking dead TV series. We’ve all seen Daryl Dixon shoot down zombies, but the question is why you need to learn crossbow hunting for survival. While most people will go for a firearm as the ultimate defense and hunting weapon in a survival situation, cross turn out to be excellent options with several advantages.

There are various ways crossbows can be utilized to survive in the wilderness. It not only protects you but gives you a way to hunt down small and big games for food. If you’re looking for a different challenge from guns and bows and arrows, then a crossbow is your ideal weapon of choice in a survival situation.

The benefits of a crossbow in a survival situation:

While crossbows are not the best defensive weapon, they can turn out to be handy when in a real survival situation. If looking for the best silent weapon, compound bow and crossbow are great options.

However, bows will require learning a lot before you can shoot efficiently. With a crossbow and the best crossbow scope, you can start shooting accurate arrows in minutes. The following are some of the reasons/benefits to learning crossbow hunting for survival:

Silent use

One of the main advantages of using a crossbow is that it is silent and will not alert the target or anyone near your location. When stealth is required, a crossbow turns out to be the ideal weapon of choice. However, you will need ample space to wield the weapon because of its size. The loud bangs experienced when guns are fired will not be heard here. A crossbow will not attract any attention to you before and after your kill.

Reusable arrows

We’ve all seen Daryl Dixon remove some arrows from a zombie’s head and reuse them to kill other zombies. When you consider firearms, when a single bullet has been shot, it is gone. However, ammunition of the crossbow is reusable. Once your target is hit and unable to walk, you can retrieve the arrow and reuse it on other targets. I hope you’re not the type that misses your target but then if you miss you can still get your arrows back and reuse them.

Most preppers will not only reuse the arrows but make their own from available materials like wood.  This is not something you can do with guns in a real survival situation where there getting extra ammunition is not an option.

Quite easy to shoot

Crossbows are one of the easiest weapons to use whether you’re new to weapons or not. However, their weight might pose some challenges as some crossbows are unbalanced from front to back. Some crossbow models have pistol grips to make handling easier. You will realize it takes longer to load crossbows that it usually takes to shoot. Practice is always paramount if you’re to load faster and hit your target with the highest precision levels.