New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English was flying to the mountainous resort city of Queenstown on Tuesday to meet intelligence officials from the “Five Eyes” network, which includes the U.S. FBI, CIA and National Security Agency.

The meetings, designed to facilitate intelligence sharing between the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, are being held at a sensitive time for the Asia-Pacific region as tension between the United States and North Korea escalates.

However, six U.S. and allied government sources told Reuters it was a routine annual get-together that was not being held to respond to any particular crisis.

The confirmation of the meetings indicates that “Five Eyes” countries hold regular intelligence conferences, a fact not widely known outside intelligence circles until now, according to analysts.

“I can confirm that it’s Five Eyes, just part of the regular cycle of conferences that are held,” English told reporters on Monday. He declined to specify which officials were attending.

The officials and English declined to discuss what topics would be on the agenda, although English said he would use the meetings as an opportunity to stress New Zealand’s dedication to the intelligence-sharing network.


Read the whole story from Reuters.