The United States has long been, and will likely forever continue to be, embroiled in a debate about firearms.  What firearms are okay to own, where is it okay to carry them, and how to prevent nefarious types from getting their hands on them are the subject of polarizing arguments around every national election – with people on the right vying for fewer restrictions on the firearms they love, and those on the left decrying their very presence in a developed nation.  My position on the debate is pretty easy to surmise, though I do support logical gun legislation (while some in the pro-gun camp would rather see none at all).

In my mind, part of the problem is that there are a number of different types of gun owners, all lumped into one category, and generalized by many in the anti-gun camp thanks to the actions of an ignorant few.  As long as anti-gun types keep seeing headlines about idiots accidentally discharging weapons at gun shows and the like, they’ll continue to maintain the mindset that guns are too dangerous to be owned by anybody.

I’ve owned guns of various sorts for my entire adult life, and I can attest that not one of them has ever gone off without me telling it to.  Triggers are wacky like that, they very rarely gain sentience.  Guns are wacky too – if they’re unloaded, they hardly ever grow their own rounds in your absence.  As a general rule, unloaded guns tend to stay unloaded right up until you load them, and guns don’t fire until you pull the trigger.  So if the guns aren’t loading themselves or firing at their leisure… who is to blame for all the news stories we keep hearing about gun-related accidents?  How are children finding firearms and killing one another?  How does a police officer shoot himself by accident during a presentation held in a school?

Easy.  Some people are idiots.

Okay, okay, I realize that sometimes accidents are outside our realm of control, and I’m willing to acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances can lead to unforeseen outcomes, but even if we dismiss those well-meaning and responsible adults that are victims of fate and fortune, we’re still left with lots of mishaps caused by good old-fashioned stupidity, irresponsibility, and immaturity.

When I bought my Blackhawk Serpa CQC holster for my 1911, I was immediately questioned about how safe it is from some of my friends.  They had heard that because of the placement of the release on the holster, shooters often accidentally pull the trigger of their pistols as they draw.  If that sounds too ridiculous to be true, here’s a video of a guy doing exactly that: