Writing on the internet can come with a mixed bag of emotions.  I get lots of feedback from readers, and arguably even more from those who never bothered to read what I wrote at all and instead just want to explain why they’re mad at the headline (using ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS).  I get it, the work we do addresses important topics, and logically, the more important a topic is, the easier it can be to get heated about it.  I don’t take any more offense when someone calls me a lib-tard for suggesting a war with North Korea could be tragic, than I do when called a fascist for thinking fitness standards should be equal for both genders in the military.  It just comes with the territory.

Despite doing this sort of work for a fair amount of time, however, sometimes I’m still surprised by the responses I see on my own, or other writer’s, work.  Such has been the case since last weekend’s battle royale in Charlottesville between Nazi-flag carrying white supremacists, and anarchists that have, honestly, been looked upon pretty favorably in the media since.  Reasonable people from every part of the political spectrum have found themselves choosing sides in the fracas, with many veterans like me choosing to be quite vocal in our disgust toward the Nazi-types that, in many cases, claimed to represent us.

I’m a white, heterosexual male and a veteran – which makes me exactly the sort of dude a neo-Nazi organization hopes to recruit.  The thing is, my experiences in the military ran exactly counter to the ideology they preach, so when I see guys like Michael R. Tubbs, an embarrassment to the coveted title of Green Beret and, I’ll go ahead and say it, an aspiring domestic terrorist, picking fights with counter-protestors, I take offense.  He, and folks like him, claim to be fighting for equality on my behalf, as their effort isn’t solely to help their own organization – but to help the white race at large.

However, as writers like Frumentarius or Derek Gannon have found, voicing your opposition to Nazis marching in America isn’t met with high-fives from the types of people we often interact with online.  Instead, claiming you’re anti-Nazi comes with immediate accusations that you must, therefore, be pro-communist, extremely liberal, or trying to help advance the causes of disgusting groups like ANTIFA.

It’s a logic leap akin to suggesting that, because I don’t like the taste of veal, I must be a vegan.

Now, I know that, for those people who already think I’m a borderline communist agent for questioning the decisions of politicians they like, my words are going to fall on deaf ears… er, eyes as this case may be. For those of you out there that see this whole thing as one big, ugly mess, let me explain to you why guys like me have been so public in our disapproval of one group, while rolling our eyes at the onslaught of furious “yeah, but what about…” messages, comments, and tweets that have come our way regarding the others.

Some of you are going to get really angry at me.  That’s cool, guys.  We don’t have to agree in order to respect each other and work together toward a better America.  Here’s the thing though: the Nazi movement in America is a lot like having to go to the hospital for getting something big stuck up your butt.

If you know anyone that works in an emergency room, I encourage you to reach out to them and ask if they have any good “insertion” stories.  Most of the doctors and nurses I know have at least one… in fact, it’s such a common problem that you can find a number of peer-reviewed medical papers addressing how best to treat these types of injuries.  In many cases, we’re not even talking about losing your grip on a marital aid… we’re talking about losing things that have no place in the human body… things that are far too large to seem as though they’d fit… and yet, there’s an entire website devoted to doctors sharing the X-rays.