John “Lofty” Wiseman is the author of the bestselling SAS Survival
, the definitive guide to survival in the wild from
Britain’s Special Air Service. Now he has compiled the complete
guide to surviving among crowds of people, the mazes of office
buildings, the dangers of an unfeeling city—put simply, how to stay
safe in the urban jungle.

Thousands of preventable fatalities occur in the home every year—
more than on the roads, more than in the great outdoors. Household
chemicals, electricity, cooking knives, and rodent poisons—in the
wrong hands and with improper usage, these day-to-day resources
bring danger to your home. Add to this the risks of moving through
city streets (the threat of rape, muggings, and gang violence) and
the menace of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, blizzards) that
cannot be avoided. Every day serves as a constant reminder: The
world is truly a frightening place.

The SAS Urban Survival Guide advises readers to think practically
about urban environments and offers tips and instructions on how
to avoid hazards wherever one goes. From self-defense techniques
to home security systems to coping with natural disasters, this book
teaches readers to recognize danger, make quick decisions, and live
confidently in the modern world.