Here for the first time in one place is everything you need to know about modern military combat. Drawn from dozens of the U.S. Army’s well-written field manuals on every conceivable aspect of conducting combat operations, this huge compendium contains everything for any combatant anywhere—armed or unarmed and in all conditions and terrains, including:
- desert, jungle, mountain, and house-to-house fighting
- training for rifle, mortar, mines, and sniper operations
- mental preparedness, and leadership for combat and combat stress
- tank and artillery tactics
- forward and reconnaissance operations z construction of defensive positions
- combat in nuclear, biological, and chemical environments
- land navigation, map reading, first aid, and camouflage
Last but not least, this book also includes a complete section on hand-to-hand combat so that you can use your bayonet or kill with your bare hands. With hundreds of photographs and illustrations demonstrating priceless tips and techniques, if it’s not in TheUltimate Guide to U.S. Army Combat Skills, Tactics, and Techniques, your Army of One don’t need it!