The U.S. military conducted a drone strike that targeted an “imminent” threat to the Hamad Karzai International Airport.

The Biden administration had warned Saturday of continued danger to U.S. operations in Afghanistan as evacuations there continue ahead of the planned U.S. withdrawal deadline of August 31.

“U.S. military forces conducted a self-defense unmanned over-the-horizon airstrike today on a vehicle in Kabul, eliminating an imminent ISIS-K threat to [Hamid] Karzai International airport,” said Captain Bill Urban, the spokesman for U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).

“We are confident we successfully hit the target. Significant secondary explosions from the vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material,” Urban added. “We are assessing the possibilities of civilian casualties, though we have no indications at this time.”

Unconfirmed reports from the ground say that as many as nine civilians, including children, were killed in the drone strike. CENTCOM said it was aware of the reports. Referring to them, Captain Urban said, “We would be deeply saddened by any potential loss of innocent life.”

ISIS-K vehicle destroyed Kabul
A vehicle that was carrying ISIS-K explosives parked next to an apartment building was destroyed by a drone strike. (AP)

Speaking with China’s state television CGTN on Monday, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid criticized the U.S. drone strike on foreign soil as unlawful. He claimed that the drone strike killed seven people.

“If there was any potential threat in Afghanistan, it should have been reported to us, not an arbitrary attack that has resulted in civilian casualties,” Mujahid said.

On Friday, in response to the suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport that killed more than 170 people including 13 American troops, the U.S. conducted an unmanned over-the-horizon attack on an ISIS-K “planner and facilitator” in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan.