The Royal Australian Navy has recently unveiled its pioneering Communications and Information Systems (CIS-I) workgroup.

This strategic move marks a groundbreaking initiative aimed at spearheading critical cyber and data capabilities at sea.

The CIS-I unit stands as a vanguard dedicated to sustaining and advancing naval fleet technologies, particularly concerning digital and transmission demands in an ever-evolving maritime landscape.

Addressing a Modern Need

The formation of the CIS-I workgroup stems from a pressing need to navigate the complexities of modern warfare, where information and cyber threats loom large.

Recognizing the pivotal role of information systems in maritime operations, the Royal Australian Navy has meticulously structured this unit to tackle the dynamic challenges posed by the digital realm.

Rigorous Training and Expertise

The CIS-I endeavor commenced its journey in April, embarking on an intensive training program meticulously designed to equip select personnel with unparalleled expertise.

This rigorous preparation reportedly took place at the Defence Force School of Signals – Maritime CIS Wing, situated at the prestigious HMAS Cerberus base in Victoria.

The curriculum, spanning several months, encompassed a multifaceted approach.