A diver may have discovered a long lost atomic bomb similar to the one dropped on Hiroshima while searching for sea cucumbers off the coast of Canada.

Sean Smyrichinsky was using a diver propulsion vehicle about 25 feet below the surface of the water near Pitt Island, a small land mass not far from Alaska. As he jetted around looking at the sea floor, he noticed something that was too perfectly round to be a natural formation. Upon further inspection, he found precise markings and perfect “bowls” in the shape that were about the size of a basketball. He returned to his boat and sketched his discovery to show his friends at the bar when he was able to return. Smyrichinsky believed he might have found a crashed UFO.

His friends weren’t as sure he’d discovered a spaceship, but one of the older men present made an interesting suggestion: “Maybe you found that old missing A-bomb?”

On February 13th, 1950, a Convair B-36 bomber, designated Flight 2075, took off from Eielson Airbase in Fairbanks, Alaska armed with a single Mark IV atomic bomb equipped with a dummy core made of lead. Their flight plan included a simulated bombing run over California en route to Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas. The flight was expected to take 16 hours, but six hours after takeoff, things began to go wrong.

At 11:25 p.m., Captain H.L. Barry, the pilot of the B-36, began radioing that the flight was in distress. Icing conditions prompted him to decrease elevation from 40,000 feet to 15,000. Moments later, Barry radioed again. “One engine on fire. Contemplate ditching in Queen Charlotte Sound between Queen Charlotte Island and Vancouver Island. Keep a careful lookout for flares or wreckage.”

With six pusher-prop engines, the B-36 could sustain a single engine failure for some time, but soon the problems escalated. The craft was losing altitude at a rate of 300 feet per minute. As Barry tried to climb again, another engine caught fire, followed by another engine failure. As the instruments began to fail as well, Barry relayed their location and that he would be putting on the autopilot to fly the bomber southwest.

As the crew prepared to ditch, the radio operator, Staff Sergeant Trippodi, secured the plane’s transmitter key in hopes the steady signal would bring prompt rescue to recover the crew and wreckage. Before ditching, the crew dropped the atomic bomb into the frigid waters below. Barry would later state that he saw the other crewmen’s parachutes open as the B-36 circled Ashdown Island once, then he lost sight of it and assumed it crashed into the sea.

Despite a substantial search effort put forth by both the United States and Canadian navies, no signs of the downed B-36 could be found in the waters surrounding the small Canadian island. It took two days to find the 12 survivors. Staff Sergeant Trippodi was found suffering severe frostbite in both feet. He had been hanging upside down for over 12 hours after attempting to cut the lines of his chute to climb down from the tree he had landed in.