China’s sanctions on two American aerospace and defense companies over Taiwan arms sales heighten US-China tensions, with broader implications for global defense dynamics.

On Friday, the Chinese government announced sanctions against Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, which stem from these companies’ involvement in the sale of weapons to Taiwan—a move strongly condemned by Beijing.

China’s Warning Shot: Applying Sanctions Under the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Mao Ning, made the official announcement during a regular press briefing, citing the application of China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law as the legal basis for the sanctions. She stated:

“We urge the US side to effectively abide by the one-China principle… cease US-Taiwan military liaison and stop arming Taiwan, or else it will be subject to a resolute and forceful retaliation by the Chinese side.”

According to Mao Ning, the primary target of these sanctions is Lockheed Martin Corp’s branch in Missouri, which was directly involved in an arms sale to Taiwan on August 24. Additionally, Northrop Grumman was singled out for its repeated participation in the sale of weapons to Taiwan.