Within the international intelligence community, China is a name that comes up pretty often.  With confirmed cases of Chinese espionage resulting in state secrets migrating their way East into projects like the Chinese J-20 (which bears more than a striking resemblance to the American F-22) mentions of the economic powerhouse are often coupled with strategies intended to curb their abilities to infiltrate our national security infrastructure.  Because of China’s huge population and comparatively large intelligence apparatus, methods don’t often even have to be that good in order to be employed – just ask the SOFREP writers that have been approached by Chinese intelligence gatherers in bars in Las Vegas.

China has an illustrious history of successfully gaining intelligence from Western nations and employing it for their own military gain, but like any nation with offensive espionage operations underway, there’s still the other side of the coin to worry about: how do you stop opposing nations from doing the same to you?

You could rely on your citizen’s sense of patriotism to encourage them to turn potential spies in – but in today’s global culture, it has become increasingly difficult to create the allure of nationalist idealism in enough people to make such a system aggressively effective.  You could rely on fear of reprisal for not working to turn in potential spies, but with such difficult living conditions for so many of Chinese laborers, it could be difficult to truly incentivize them through fear of worsening conditions alone.

So the Communist Party in China chose to use a decidedly capitalist approach to the problem of foreign spying: on Monday they announced cash rewards totaling to more than $72,000 (a half million yuan) for information that leads to the apprehension of foreign intelligence actors operating within China.

Better still: they made a cartoon to help teach you how.

The reward system is new, but their public effort to weed out foreign spies isn’t.  Two years ago, China launched a hotline for citizens to report suspicious foreigners to, and last year as a part of their one year anniversary, they even released a comic-book poster intended to warn young, female government employees about the dangers of dating “handsome foreigners.”

The Beijing Daily Newspaper reported on China’s new policy as a mandatory consequence of China’s opening up to foreign entities – painting the picture of a direct threat posed by foreigners within China:

“Foreign intelligence organs and other hostile forces have also seized the opportunity to sabotage our country through political infiltration, division and subversion, stealing secrets and collusion,” the newspaper said.