As advances in artificial intelligence (A.I.) and robotics have progressed at breakneck speed in recent years, it is no secret that law enforcement and the military are eager to find ways to take advantage of this. But the heavily armed drones capable of delivering death from above or the bomb-clearing robot used against IEDs and explosives all share a fundamental weakness: both require a constant or near-constant human operator to make decisions. As a result, robots and computers have taken tasks that are either too dangerous, dull, dumb, or dirty for most people to adequately perform nowadays. So the idea of a robotic A.I. capable of emulating, appearing like, and even understanding humans still seems way off. More specifically, an A.I. in robotic form actually performing interrogations or source meetings is the stuff of science fiction. Or is it?

Reading humans

Recently, researchers have claimed to have developed a system capable of reading facial patterns to determine emotions. The majority of human communications is nonverbal (depending on studies and circumstances, anywhere from 60 to 90 percent), so the idea of using body language to determine mindset is not out of the question. It’s something that interrogators in law enforcement and the military receive training, in varying degrees, to spot. Unfortunately, it’s something that most people don’t grasp easily, especially during the course of an interrogation or meeting. But researchers have capitalized on that concept by programming the A.I. to focus on the lips and eyes of the person in question. Why those areas? Because they are typically the most expressive facial features. And by doing this, it bypasses the traditional problems A.I. faces when deciphering the subtleties in human language. Researchers claimed this helped the A.I. successfully determine criminals from a general line at an 83 percent success rate. The article went on to claim this could potentially lead to A.I. interrogating or counseling.

Yeah, I don’t need A.I. telling me this guy is a criminal. | Image courtesy of MPR news

Appearing human

The next hurdle is to make the A.I. visually appealing to the person it is trying to engage. In most circumstances, taking on a form we would consider human-like (which would be defined as an Android), is good enough. It wouldn’t have to look exactly like a human, just enough to convey conversations in a meaningful way in which humans can relate. For general military purposes such as combat, observations, and general interaction, you just need a machine that emulates the human form in stature and form. This has already been explored to great effect in the entertainment industry, from the android doppelganger Maria in the 1927 film “Metropolis,” all the way up to Ethan/E3N in the recent game “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.”

Combat operations is one thing, but for the purposes of human intelligence (HUMINT) or counter-intelligence (CI), a more realistic human appearance is going to be needed. It’s hard for a faceless computer screen to build any rapport or relation with a prisoner or source, at least initially. But making an android that can pass for human is, well, hard. If you don’t succeed in making a robot realistic enough, it fails the “Uncanny Valley” hypothesis. It’s the point where a human replica fails to elicit any feeling beyond that of eeriness and revulsion. This observation is not restricted to robots; it can be brought up by badly rendered 3D visuals and dolls among some people.

But are we getting there visually? No doubt scientists and engineers are always working to come up with the most realistic human-like robot they can create. When Shanghai held the 2016 World Robot Conference, visitors were impressed by “Jiajia,” an android capable of conversations, answering questions, and recognizing facial expressions. Although Jiajia’s speech was a bit garbled and any prolonged sessions with “her” would reveal robotic limitations, it was big step forward in realism.

The first step will be taking over your heart. Next, the world. | Image courtesy of AFP news

Watch the video below showing the android “Sophia,” created by Dr. David Hanson, and the way she responds and talks. Again, you won’t confuse her for a real person, but Sophia is approaching the point where it almost exceeds the Uncanny Valley threshold. Well almost, until it talks about destroying humans with that eerie stare.