I have recently seen a comment to the newest Rolling Stone magazine cover by the lead singer of the rock band Disturbed. As much as I do enjoy their music, what has been said and what is actually depicted and written on the cover of the magazine is just beyond me.

Quote from David Draiman (singer, Disturbed):

How far the mighty have fallen,

I used to dream of making the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, as it used to be the ultimate statement of legitimacy for an aspiring musician and it meant that you had really made it. Over the past 5 years, Rolling Stone has become less and less about music, and has become more and more about bullshit, pop culture nonsense. Even though many of us may not care for it, we were able to live with it…until this.

You… dare… to… put… the… image… of… the… boston… bomber… on… the… fucking… cover… of… your… magazine!!!!????

Are you out of your ultra-liberal, sympathetic to a fault, fucking minds???
You have not only succeeded in blatantly insulting and dishonoring the victims and families whose lives were forever effected by this rabid animal, but you have now glorified his cowardly and unforgivable act. Why? Because it will sell magazines? Because it will create controversy? Because you actually do sympathize with this abhorrent, cowardly, piece of shit? You have made it attractive and validated the act, to a whole new generation of wanna be terrorists seeking martyrdom and infamy. You, and your kind are the reason why people think that they can go out “in a blaze of glory” while murdering innocents. Honestly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart…go…fuck…yourselves.

The next terrorist/murdering incident, be it another bomber, or a madman with an assault rifle, unleashing fire upon a school full of children, is on you.

May your consciences (if you even have them) weigh immeasurable heavy on you for the rest fo your lives. I condemn this act, this notion, and this worthless piece of shit fucking rag of a magazine. May the powers that be have mercy upon your souls, because the next time something like this happens, I assure you, the world won’t.