The recent failed military coup put the US forces stationed in Turkey in a awkward position. The failed coup left the 3000+ personnel on the air base in Incirlik, Turkey without power for several days. Erdogan cut the power to all military bases in an effort to stop support of the military coup. US military leadership scrambled to find contingency plans in case the power outage remained indefinitely. Living on generators for an extended period of time was not a viable option for air strike operations and for support of the services members housed there.

The Pentagon has been able to fully operate the base through generator power but said it would be difficult to continue indefinitely.
While fuel supplies for the generators could be brought in, the key is whether it becomes too expensive and cumbersome given the high pace of air strikes the US wants to continue flying out of the base.

US aircraft regularly conduct missions in northern Syria, where they are battling ISIS. And both drones and surveillance aircraft are used to monitor the border with Syria and conduct other reconnaissance missions.

If they don’t, “I think it’s safe to say over time that it could become a limiting factor,” said Peter Cook Pentagon press secretary, referring to US operations there. “The concern would be if it were a protracted period of time, then we would potentially have to make adjustments.” – CNN
Even now, as I write this article, thousands of Turkish citizens are protesting the US military base. They want the US out of Turkey because of the perception that the US was involved with the failed coup. As long as the US allows Fethullah Gulen to remain in America, this tension may continue.