I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t choose a pistol to defend myself over a rifle or a shotgun loaded with slugs. But when it comes down to using a pistol, it probably isn’t so you can cross a room and get to a rifle. It is popular to say that pistols are just secondary weapons that are not gonna do much good for you anyways. I do not see it that way, and I believe that your pistol is probably one of the most important weapons on your person. If you think about it, your not going to be using the pistol unless you are out of ammo, can’t reload your primary weapon fast enough, or if you are not able to use a rifle such as when you are carrying as a civilian. I would extend this to Law Enforcement and Federal Agents that do not have the luxury to hop, skip, and jump to the nearest rifle. This is where the fighting pistol comes into play.

Basically, my point is that when you have to use your pistol, you better be good with it. It also better work the way you need it to work when you are under stress for your life, because that is the only reason you would have to use it, right? If you have to draw your pistol, whether you are carrying it concealed, or have to defend yourself when your rifle goes down, you are now going to have to rely on whatever training and skill you have with a pistol to stay alive and hopefully win the fight. That said, we need to stop thinking of the pistol as a secondary weapon, and think of it as being equally as important as your rifle or shotgun. Remember that your pistol is your last line of defense before you have to start fighting with knives, fists, and harsh language. Now with that said, I want to go over a few features that I get picky about when I am choosing a fighting pistol.


When looking at ergonomics for a fighting pistol, it is important to understand that it should feel very comfortable when you use it. It should feel like an extension of your hand. I also recommend making sure that the pistol points very naturally and that you are able to get good sight alignment very quickly from the draw.


In my experience, gloves can be quite an asset to those in cold and wet environments. Therefore, I believe it should be standard for you to test your pistol with gloved hands. Practice drawing it, shooting it, reloading, correcting malfunctions, and general manipulation.


When you are trying to hit the target, the best thing you can do is use your sights. For me, I have found that the bigger the front sight is, the better chance I have of being able to use my sights quickly. I want the sights to stick out like a sore thumb up against my target, since i am not going to shift focus to my sights to take a close range shot.