It was 2003 when the first bombs fell on Baghdad. At the time, the world believed that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars happened to dismantle tyrannical regimes and neutralize looming threats. 

The proclaimed mission was clear: to establish democracy, eradicate terrorism, and bring peace and stability in a volatile region.

Yet, as the dust settled and years turned into decades, myriad undisclosed narratives and hidden agendas began to surface. They challenged the initially stated reasons and painted a far more complex and intricate picture than ever imagined.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars represent a tumultuous chapter in world history. They sparked debates and discussions that have transcended borders and generations. 

With all the information available, separating fact from fiction becomes intricate. But, this exploration will examine the complexities and contradictions surrounding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Unraveling the Narratives: A Quest for Truth

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars happened under the banner of freedom, democracy, and security. Proclaimed as noble pursuits to liberate the oppressed and ensure global safety, these military endeavors were welcomed by many. 

However, as the wars unfolded and the body count rose, skeptics started questioning the real motives behind the invasions. Were these wars solely about dismantling tyrannies and fostering peace? Or were underlying objectives concealed from the public?

The Iraq War: Weapons of Mass Deception

U.S. Army Soldiers gain entry to an abandoned house to search for possible weapons or other illegal materials while on patrol in Haidraq, Iraq, April 6, 2008. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Charles W. Gill/Wikimedia Commons)

In March 2003, coalition forces spearheaded by the United States invaded Iraq. The backbone of this aggressive maneuver was the unequivocal assurance that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and had links to terrorism.