Surrounded by hostile neighbors, Israel has long realized how imperative it is to strengthen its defenses and military capabilities. Years of being constantly on guard on all sides of its borders and above its airspace, officials of the 8,550 square miles of land had devised a stringent military tactic that has become a norm—injected into the roots of the nation passed through generation after generation to keep its sovereignty and independence intact. Coupled with experience and frequent opportunities to battle-test itself, Israel has become one of the most equipped countries operated by the best-trained military forces in the Middle East and, arguably, in the world.

Israel Google Earth
(Screenshot from Google Earth)

They upgraded their weapons and artilleries as technology progressed, giving them an upper hand over their adversaries and allowing them to stand rooted in their beloved motherland. Besides engineering their own, Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) collaboration with its Western allies, particularly the United States, has further boosted the technology of its military equipment, including combat jets, armored vehicles, and defense systems—most notably, the Iron Dome.

If worse comes to worst and the country finds itself at war, these three weapons will surely lead its military forces to victory.

#3. Iron Dome Air Defense System

Israel’s Iron Dome is the most notable among its indigenous weapon system simply because of its impeccable ability to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired up to 70 km away. This mobile all-weather air defense was a collaboration with the US, which contributed more or less $1.6 Billion to its development and another incoming funding of $1 Billion for the “life-saving system.”

It is made up of three major components: Detection & Tracking Radar (DTR), Battle Management & Weapon Control (BMC), and Missile Firing Unit (MFU). The DTR detects and tracks the incoming trajectory, and once registered, the BMC calculates the impact point. Using the information at its disposal, the MFU will launch the interceptor missile before it reaches the predicted impact area.