In the wake of dwindling support from major allies and a stark decrease in ammunition supplies, Ukraine has taken a decisive step to bolster its defense capabilities.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Gavrylyuk announced a significant uptick in the production of explosive drones earlier this week, signaling the nation’s proactive response to mitigate ammunition shortages critical to their defense against Russia’s invasion.

Combatting Ammunition Scarcity Through Domestic Production

In an interview with BBC, the Ukrainian defense official highlighted the country’s strategic move to amplify the manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, to counterbalance the acute shortage of ammunition.

“Regarding ammunition for artillery, this issue will continue to arise,” said Gavrylyuk. “Therefore, Ukraine decided to solve these issues by creating a powerful production of UAVs.”

Amid floundering assistance from traditional allies such as the United States and European nations, Ukraine has undertaken measures to become more self-reliant in producing essential defense equipment.

The pressing need for increased drone production stems from the exacerbating scarcity of ammunition, an issue that shows no immediate signs of resolution.