Three married US Marines could face charges after a February incident in Colombia in which they allegedly went out drinking with several women before getting drugged and robbed, the Miami Herald reported.

Col. Roger T. McDuffie, Maj. Andrew L. Mueller, and Maj. Mauricio Saenz may have fallen victim to a “burundanga poisoning” a type of crime where victims are slipped a drug so they can be robbed or kidnapped.

According to a Marine investigation, the men started the night of February 3 by going to two bars with a larger group of Marines.

After the rest of the group went back to their hotels, the three Marines in question went off on their own, apparently meeting four local women and eventually ending up a working-class section of Bogota that Pentagon personnel are not allowed to enter.

At some point during the evening, the three officers drank a highly intoxicating Colombian liquor called aguardiente and were slipped a drug called benzodiazepine.

Security cameras at the hotel filmed the officers walking the women through the lobby to their hotel rooms at 4:30 a.m., past other Marines who were gathering to catch a ride to the airport. They broke a 1 a.m. curfew in the process.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.