Istanbul, Turkey—Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, a Saudi doctor and forensics expert, is reportedly responsible for the death of the missing Saudi journalist and regime critic Jamal Khashoggi.

On Oct. 2, Khashoggi, a U.S. resident and columnist for The Washington Post, vanished after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The Turkish government says that Khashoggi was murdered and his body hidden.

Al-Tubaigy was seen entering Istanbul by the airport’s CCTV. What followed is more akin to a thriller script than to reality.  According to Turkish officials, who claim that the whole operation was recorded by the journalist’s Apple watch, the doctor proceeded to dismember Khashoggi with a bone-saw. Judging from the recording, Khashoggi was still alive whilst the doctor hacked him to pieces. Al-Tubaigy is heard recommending to members of the Saudi death-squad to wear headphones and listen to music to avoid the grim sounds of the operation. It appears that the Saudi hit-team was comprised of 15 secret service and intelligence officers.


Turkish police officials claim that Khashoggi’s remains were deposited in either a forest-park in Istanbul or in the city of Yalova, which is near to the place of the crime.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has denied reports that he heard the recording.

Al-Tubaigy studied in the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He also worked as a forensic specialist at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia. It was at the latter establishment that he presumably acquired his expertise in autopsies. The Saudi government funded both programs. He is also a member of the country’s Interior Ministry.