Early last year, SOFREP began receiving inquiries from investigative journalists regarding war crimes in Afghanistan. I’m not talking about dumping a few extra rounds into some bad guys – it’s much worse, and more in line with what was described above. You can thump your chest and say that “war is hell” all you want, but honestly ask yourself if you would support the murder of innocent women and children in a war zone, wide-spread theft, illicit drug rings, and killing videos.

Why have we left this alone for so long? SOFREP has largely chosen to leave issues of unit discipline and criminal actions alone. It’s a complicated situation, and admittedly hard to approach without bias. Our decision, up to this point, has been to let the leadership of US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM) do their job.

Nobody wants to write, hear, or talk about war crimes, however, according to my contacts in the mainstream media, the top is about to blow. I’m not talking about urinating on dead bodies or prisoner abuse, this stuff is much worse and will not garner public support. Jack’s last article about UBL sent silent shock waves throughout the Special Operations community, and it only scratched the surface.

The problem the community faces now is that the dirty laundry never got taken out, and because of this, it’s created a stench that’s attracted a swarm of investigative journalists more interested in making a name for themselves than doing what’s right by seeing these crimes exposed.

It’s my belief that most SOF leadership has no idea what’s been happening behind the scenes with regards to war crimes. This is a shame. However, “not knowing” does not excuse them, and they know this.

An important lesson I learned growing up, a lesson reinforced in the SEAL community, is candor. If there’s an elephant in the room, introduce it and get it over with.

This series will attempt to address the complicated issues of war. It will engage the reader in an intelligent discussion with regards to how modern war is waged, and debate the ethics and morality of fighting in war.

There are those in the Special Operations community, active and veteran, who will be upset that SOFREP would dare to have this conversation in a public forum. To them I’ll say what we’ve said before when criticized for our Benghazi reporting: we believe that an informed public is necessary in a functioning democracy, the same democracy that we fought to uphold during the time spent serving our country.