In my previous article, I touched on the events of September 11 and discussed the reasons behind why we cannot forget them. I did not pen the article because I thought people would somehow actually forget that it took place, but instead wrote it with the intention of urging people to retain some piece of the emotion that they felt that morning.

Reflection and self-awareness have long been regarded as the most important self-development traits a human can partake in. Reflecting on experiences forces people to acknowledge them and ultimately allows them to make sense and learn from them. People who do not actively apply this practice are in effect stumbling blindly through life and are bound to make the same mistakes over and over.

This mindset is extremely relative when it comes to the events of September 11, and in the closing statements of my previous article I concluded:

“…it is up to us as the custodians of the 9/11 legacy to never ever forget that day. It is up to us to uphold the memory of just how brazen that attack was and to not let time dilute the fact that thousands of innocent people were needlessly murdered. Whilst I understand that the younger generation may not have the same emotional attachment as those of us who were adults at the time do, we must maintain an unwavering commitment to fighting this ideology and all those who purvey it. We must continue to drown out those adult voices who have forgotten just how significant that fateful morning was as well as those who have lost the appetite for war.”

“We must not forget that violence is sometimes the only answer and that it is the only language that these cowards comprehend. Our ideals of freedom and democracy do not translate into their primitive way of thinking, nor will they ever. Trying to force a square peg into a round hole will never work. We should stop being apologetic for the fact that Western civilization has the most advanced and strongest nations in the world. We need to focus on making our identities great again without feelings of remorse or guilt attached to our achievements and conquests.”

“Ultimately, it is policies of appeasement backed by our moral superiors which will benefit no one except our enemies. This is why, regardless of how much time passes, we must maintain an unwavering commitment to this fight and must never forget what transpired on the morning of September 11, 2001.”

Now that I’ve set the tone, I am going to address a comment that I have the misfortune of reading or hearing on a regular basis. Although I understand that Australia is one of the most geographically fortunate countries in the world, I do not agree that this warrants the belief that every conflict that occurs outside of our borders—all of them, obviously—is not “our war.” This is an extremely narrow viewpoint promoting the impractical concept of isolationism.

Isolationism as a foreign policy is fraught with problems and is one that few modern and developed nations tend to favour. Rather than furthering our national interests on an international stage, isolating and disengaging from global affairs has the real potential to allow certain issues to end up on our doorstep unchecked.