The Pentagon has announced that the US will postpone a scheduled ballistic missile test originally scheduled for this week to demonstrate the US capability is a responsible nuclear-armed country amid rising nuclear tension with Russia.

“In an effort to demonstrate that we have no intention of engaging in any actions that could be misunderstood or misconstrued, the Secretary of Defense has directed our Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile test launch, scheduled for this week, to be postponed,” said Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby.

He further stated that the postponement was not a step backward in the US’ readiness to respond to Russia and claimed they remained confident in their current strategic posture.

This announcement comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Kremlin’s nuclear forces on high alert amid being on the receiving end of stiff Ukrainian resistance and international condemnation from most of the entire world. Suffering casualties and economic losses due to imposed sanctions, Russia found itself on the ropes and put its nuclear deterrent forces in a “special regime of combat duty.” This action from the Kremlin raised international concerns that Russia had the intention to use nuclear weapons.

“We have been prompted to call for an emergency special session as the level of the threat to the global security has been equated to that of the Second World War or even higher following Putin’s order to put an alert [on] Russian nuclear forces. What a madness!” said Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya while addressing the United Nations General Assembly.

In order to avoid any further escalation, the testing of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile was postponed to see if there would be any response by Russia to deescalate the nuclear situation it has created. Kirby also stated that the US’ own nuclear forces were not on high alert as responding to Russia’s aggression through nuclear threats would only make the situation more ‘dangerous’ and ‘unnecessary.’

The United States can launch its strategic nuclear missiles from land-based silos about 5 minutes after receiving the order to strike so the Russians being at an alert status would not seriously compromise U.S. security.  Russian missiles would take approximately 25-30 minutes to reach the U.S., and as soon as they were launched the heat from their exhausts would be detected prompting an automatic retaliatory response by hundreds of U.S. land-based and submarine-based ballistic missiles carrying more than 1,300 nuclear warheads. Russia would not survive such an exchange.