For many of our readers who are preparing for taking the big leap into one of the Selection courses, we try to help you get ready for the challenges here by posting a daily piece on the physical training program that we feel will help you achieve your goal.

But sometimes it is good to change things up a bit, challenge yourself in different ways and break up the training monotony that can set in doing the same things over and over. And in doing so, we decided to take a look at what some of the college and NFL football teams are doing in their strength and conditioning programs to get their players ready for the rigors of their seasons. So, we’ll incorporate some of their training to mix things up a bit for a change.

It is funny, that in the past dozen or so years, many of the football programs have adopted this military type mentality, they bring in Navy SEALs, Green Berets and such to show them the way the Special Operations guys do it in the military. There is a great deal of good as well as bad with that.

The football programs in the college and pro ranks have a great deal of respect for the military, especially the Special Operations Forces and their own jargon is full of military-type terms.  The physical toughness and endurance of Special Operators along with the “never quit” attitude is something all coaches try to instill. That is good.

Some will incorporate the endurance events teamed with an SFAS-like team event where the players have to work together as a team to get over an obstacle while pushing themselves in ways they’ve never done before. That aspect of team building is of tremendous value and many of the players will never forget how hard it can be.

But putting players into Log PT training sessions cold can be dangerous for the players. Rusty Whitt, the Texas Tech Red Raider Strength and Conditioning Coach knows both sides of the coin. Whitt was a Special Forces Radio Operator on an A-Team and now coaches in the Big12.

Whitt posted an article to warn other coaches about the dangers that Special Operations Forces face in their training that the players may not be properly prepared for and therefore the risks would be too great. He wrote: