In response to the new round of sanctions placed on Russia by the United States, Russia has responded with a bellicose statement from their Prime Minister and a bizarre renaissance-fair-set-to-metal music hype video on Twitter.

Following President Trump’s decision to sign the sanctions bill sent to him from Congress, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev took to Twitter to decry Trump’s ‘total weakness’ by conceding to Congress’ demands for new sanctions by “handing over executive power to Congress in the most humiliating way.” Medvedev’s insult to Trump via Twitter appears to be a well-placed shot at the social media-savvy President’s sense of pride.

Trump released a set of statements to coincide with the new sanctions, giving the appearance that he was only begrudgingly complying with Congress’ demands. Saying the “bill remains seriously flawed” because it “encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate. Congress could not even negotiate a healthcare bill after seven years of talking,”

Nonetheless, Trump says he is “signing the bill for the sake of national unity,” and “we hope there will be cooperation between our two countries on major global issues so these sanctions will no longer be necessary.”

On Facebook, Medvedev said Trump’s decision “ends hopes for improving our relations with the new US administration,” and “it is a declaration of a full-fledged economic war on Russia.”