An iPhone Case That Will Stop a Bullet?

A Russian company known for making iPhone cases in silver and gold is offering a case now that can stop rounds from a Glock 17 or Makarov pistol.  The video does not say what the caliber of the rounds were so we can assume it was probably 9mm.

Caviar Royal Gift, based in Novgorod Russia began about ten years ago, they don’t give the exact date on their website and specialize in phone cases made from precious metals.  It doesn’t come cheap either. A typical iPhone case from the company will set you back about $6,000 dollars and they have some that are $70,000 as well. If you have that kind of dough to layout for an iPhone cover in a place like Russia, it stands to reason that you might as well bulletproof your phone as well.  Or perhaps Caviar is marketing to well-heeled clients who got their money in ways that could get you killed by the people you got it from?

In any event, the video demonstration of the case being shot at is pretty cool.  The Titanium case really doesn’t appear thick enough to stop a bullet at close range, but it does.

Of course, your Stealth 2.0 case and phone are destroyed, but you are still alive which is the point they make in the video.  Caviar is pretty candid about what you can expect, some degree of injury, bruises(a few cracked ribs as well I think) but alive and able to draw your own pistol and shoot at the unarmored iPhone of your assailant.

Well, they leave out the part about shooting back.

In Russia Where Kidnappings For Ransom Are Common, It Might Come In Handy

Kidnappings for ransom is big business for Russia’s numerous criminal gangs who also engage in the usual stuff like murder, drug, and human trafficking, and especially cybercrime.

In 1998, two Mormon missionaries from the U.S. we snatched, and a paltry $300,000 was demanded from the local government for their release.

In 2001, Sergei Kukura, first vice president of Lukoil one of Russia’s largest oil-producing companies was kidnapped in broad daylight on his way to the office.  Lukoil immediately offered a million-dollar ransom.  The kidnappers demanded six million.