Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos to CNBC, stated that America must put more “boots on the ground” in Iraq to defeat the Islamic State, but promised they will not actually do any fighting.

Carter appeared particularly interested the long-planned invasion of Mosul, the Islamic State’s capital in Iraq, and a final battle further down the line to retake the Syrian fortress of Raqqa, effectively wiping out the “caliphate.” He said he was confident of defeating ISIS, but added that he wants to “accelerate the process.”

To that end, he will soon meet with defense ministers from coalition countries and urge them to make greater contributions to the anti-ISIS effort:

In two weeks, Carter will meet with a broad group of defense ministers where he said he will press those who are in the fight “on paper” but are not doing enough.

“We’re prepared to do a great deal because we have the finest fighting force the world has ever seen. We can do a lot ourselves,” Carter said. “The United States does not ask people for favors, but we don’t grant favors either, and so we’re looking for other people to play their part.”

To get those players on board, Carter said he would share U.S. operations plans with defense ministers.

Carter said the United States would continue to keep boots on the ground, but would remain focused on advising and assisting Iraqi, Kurdish and Syrian Arab forces to take and hold territory.

“I don’t think we or anybody else can substitute for them, but there’s a lot we can do to enable them, including being on the ground with them,” he said.