The Israeli Air Force pounded several different Syrian and Iranian troop sites on Wednesday morning. The attacks came after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Tuesday that they had uncovered an Iranian-led operation to plant improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along the northern Israeli border. 

Israeli troops claimed the explosives were placed by a “Syrian squad led by Iranian forces.” 

The IDF said the incident is “further clear proof of the Iranian entrenchment in Syria.” Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz, who visited the northern border on Tuesday, said that Israel would not tolerate the planting of explosives in the Golan.

“We cannot turn a blind eye to this. It’s a grave incident,” Gantz announced. 

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman LTC Jonathan Conricus, said that eight targets belonging to the Syrian army and Iran’s Quds Force were hit by the Israeli Air Force. He added that the target area stretched from the Syrian-controlled side of the Golan Heights to outside of the capital of  Damascus.

Targets included an Iranian headquarters at Damascus international airport, which was characterized as a “secret military site” hosting Iranian military delegations and the 7th Division of the Syrian armed forces. Syrian surface-to-air batteries were hit after firing at Israeli planes and missiles, Conricus added. The Israelis normally won’t target Syrian ADA sites unless they engage their aircraft. Targets also included “storage facilities, headquarters, and military compounds.”

The Syrian military said that three soldiers were killed. As per usual, it didn’t report on Iranian casualties. 

However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a U.K.-based Syrian civil war watchdog, said that at least 10 people were killed. These included five Iranians from the elite Quds Force, as well as at least two Shi’ite militiamen from Lebanon or Iraq.