A time comes in every person’s life that he may no longer do his job to a degree that would satisfy him or his superiors. Special Operations Force (SOF) units are no different and eventually all posts need new men to fill in and keep up the fight. It’s no secret that finding the right type of people for the job is not easy, hence the rigorous selection process.

But what if the amount of people passing through selection is not enough to cover for the ones that leave?

In the last years, the number of SOF units has significantly increased, in Poland alone three new units have been assembled, doubling the amount. How do you find the right amount of people to fill in these new posts? Naturally, as history has proven, lowering the pass mark on selection would be catastrophic, so that is out of the question. Also showing off gear and providing free rides for government officials at PR events does not really increase the interest of potential candidates.

One sure way to attract new recruits is to provide them with a taste of things to come. This is why many SOF units are organising sports events with elements similar to those that recruits may encounter during the selection process. In Poland, there are a number of events organized by the units themselves such, as The GROM Challenge (JW GROM), Marine Commando Run (JW FORMOZA), Run for the Commando Knife and the Commando Marathon (JW KOMANDOSÓW).

Apart from the MoD sponsored events, there are a number of events organized by the Scouts Union, Organizations of former SOF members and Independent Military Training Organizations. One of such organizations is Formacja SGO, a compound of several militarised units formed of civilians as well as former and current military and law enforcement members. Although the organization does not receive any government support, they manage to organize one of the best Military Track and Field Championships in the country.

This year’s SGO Track and Field took place in Gdansk, POLAND on November 30. Just over 20 participants took part, most of them civilians, former military and LE, some with a strong mindset to get back into the fight as future SOF members. The championship started at the firing range, where participants had to conduct several shooting exercises.

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After the shooting phase was over, a gym test was carried out which has proven to be very demanding, as it was based on the gym test of the Gdansk SWAT unit.