In early March, Army Special Operations (ARSOF) troops and their families got the chance to talk to Colonel Andrew Morgan, an ARSOF medical officer and NASA Astronaut, and ask him about life in space.

Col. Morgan is a qualified Special Forces Combat Diver, arguably one of the toughest ratings to achieve in the Army, and a former Special Forces Underwater Operations (SFUWO) Dive Medical Officer. He is also a qualified Military Freefall parachutist – his Combat Diver “Bubble” and his MFF “Wings” make him a “Whiskey 9.

One of the questions focused on the experiments that astronauts conduct on the ISS. “Over the course of my time up here the International Space Station,” answered Col. Morgan, “we will be conducting somewhere between 250 to 300 experiments. Some of those are medical experiments. We collect all sorts of samples to see how our bodies change over the course of our time up here.”

During his team in the 3rd Special Forces Group (3rd SFG), Col. Morgan served as a battalion surgeon. He also spent time as a surgeon in the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC).


Dr. (Col.) Andrew Morgan on the International Space Station answering questions from children throughout the USASOC and subordinate commands on March 12, 2020 (Photo by Sergeant 1st Class Jacob Connor).

Another child asked, “What does it feel like when you’re in a rocketing from Earth to Space?” And Col. Morgan responded that “We feel the force on our chests. Three to four times my body weight pressing on my chest as we accelerate, eventually we get to orbit, and the engine shuts off and instantaneously, you’re weightless.”