CNN and other media sources have just run a news story regarding the training of Syrian fighters in neighboring Jordan by United States personnel.

From CNN:

Syrian rebels claim that hundreds of their fighters are being given sophisticated-weapons training organized and authorized by the United States at a camp in Jordan.”

Verification of this story is tough as the source is an anonymous spokesperson for the rebels, and when asked by White House reporters on this claim, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney simply stated that the U.S. does not “provide lethal aid to the Syrian opposition.”

Could he be telling the truth? Possibly. Could he have no idea what the truth is? Even more plausible.

Military personnel conduct fast rope infiltration at KASOTC.
Military personnel conduct fast rope infiltration at KASOTC.

What I can tell you for certainty is the existence of the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center, or KASOTC, located just North of Amman, Jordan and a mere forty miles from the Syrian border. For those of you not familiar with KASOTC, it is the number one special operations training center in the entire Middle East. The development of the facility itself was instigated by SOCCENT (U.S. Special Operations Command – Central) in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Since the training center opened its doors in 2009, the group responsible for providing the training cadre and course material was not the Department of Defense but actually a private organization out of Maryland by the name of ViaGlobal Group. The two-dozen or so training cadre are all private contractors who almost exclusively come from the U.S. Army Special Forces and Delta Force communities.

I came across this small job responsibility tidbit through a LinkedIn profile of a former U.S. Special Forces soldier who was employed under ViaGlobal Group in Jordan: