Imagine being faced with the decision to wage war. It’s not a choice anyone would want to make lightly. The weight of lives on both sides, potential devastation, and aftermath loom large. 

Amidst these challenges, the Just War Theory is a guiding light, offering a moral framework for such critical choices.

Have you ever stopped to think about what might make a war “just” or “unjust”? It’s a hefty question, right? 

The Just War Theory isn’t some ancient philosophical concept lost in time. Instead, it’s a living doctrine that has dynamically shaped and continues to influence international policies and military decisions.

This theory seamlessly integrates ethics, politics, and warfare. It dives deep into the essence of one of humanity’s most enduring activities: conflict. 

As we explore further, we’ll unravel the complexities of the Just War Theory and its pivotal role in determining the morality of warfare.

Origins of the Just War Theory


The Just War Theory didn’t just spring into existence overnight. It’s a culmination of thoughts, ideas, and debates that have taken place over centuries. Ancient Rome gave us some of the first inklings of this theory. 

In his writings, the renowned Roman philosopher Cicero emphasized the importance of a just cause for war and that war should always be a last resort.