Both President Donald Trump and senior representatives from North Korea have expressed interest in beginning high level diplomatic talks brokered by South Korean President Moon Jae In, but thus far, interest is as far as the effort has gotten.

“They want to talk. We want to talk also, only under the right conditions. Otherwise we’re not talking,” Trump said during a meeting with state governors at the White House this week. “We’ll see what happens. That’s my attitude, we’ll see what happens.”

Significant hurdles remain before U.S. State Department officials can sit across the table from representative from Kim Jong Un’s North Korean regime, one of the biggest being the very intent of the meeting. The United States has repeatedly stated that they would only enter into discussions with North Korea with the intent of pursuing a complete denuclearization of the country – something Kim and his regime have stated time and time again that they are not willing to discuss.

Any dialogue with #NorthKorea must result in complete, verifiable, & irreversible denuclearization of Korean Peninsula.” Heather Nuart, spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said on Twitter on Monday.

“The maximum pressure campaign must continue. We will make clear that #DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs are a dead end.”

This approach, however, has drawn some light criticism from South Korean President Moon Jae In, who seems to be taking the approach that talks aimed at reducing tensions in the region, even if under less direct pretense than denuclearization, could be beneficial. That stance, of course, is to be expected, as Moon’s nation of South Korea stands to lose a great deal more than the United States likely would if conventional warfare were to break out between the U.S. and their neighbors to the North.

There is a need for the United States to lower the threshold for talks with North Korea, and North Korea should show it is willing to denuclearize. It’s important the United States and North Korea sit down together quickly,” Moon said, according to a statement from his office.

North Korean artillery assets alone have been projected to lay waste to South Korea’s capital city of Seoul before allied air assets would be able to neutralize them in an open warfare scenario. North Korea’s stockpile of chemical and biological weapons would also likely be employed against U.S. and South Korean troops at the border. That, of course, isn’t a worst case scenario, as missile defense systems in place could potentially neutralize outgoing ICBMs headed for Japan or the United States, but may struggle to intercept smaller, medium and short range ballistic, and potentially nuclear, missiles headed into South Korea.