According to the Pew Research Center, “Around 30 percent of American workers make less than $10.10 per hour. That creates an income below the federal poverty level.”

2020 has shown us that the American honeymoon of one of the greatest democracies ever created, is clearly over.

Is there a big problem today?

We can no longer have a civil and open debate on controversial topics without being shamed by the woke police or banned by social platforms. Society has created peer pressure through the former and the latter self-regulate to their own moral compass, which swings wildly depending on the magnetic field of civil discourse.

Trump’s Impeachment 

Trump was a Twitter bully. But banning him at the will of the social media and tech elites will just create more civil unrest. The same holds true with Impeachment Part II.

To really start healing this country physically and mentally we should look to the strong leaders and team-builders of the past.

Nelson Mandela always comes to mind because, out of any world leader, he was positioned to really take massive revenge on his opponents. Instead, he took a different path. Below is an excerpt by the Chicago Tribune which demonstrates this:

“It wasn’t the 27 years Nelson Mandela spent in prison that was most significant.