The other night on the Tucker Carlson Show, Mr. Carlson claimed that the Biden administration was “feminizing” the military while adversaries like China were doing the opposite, seeking to make their own male population more masculine as a matter of their own national security. In pointing out that contrast, Carlson said that the feminization of the military, including pregnant women “fighting our wars for us” new hairstyles and maternity flight suits, made a “mockery” of the military.

As one might expect, social media exploded in fury.

The commanding general of the Army’s Maneuver Center for Excellence, Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe took to his Twitter account posting a re-enlistment video of a female servicemember and saying, “This is me, yesterday, conducting a re-enlistment for one of the tens of thousands of women who serve in our Army. Just a reminder that @TuckerCarlson couldn’t be more wrong.”

Lt. Gen. Ted Martin, who is deputy commander at the Army Training and Doctrine Command, also took to Twitter and posted a picture of his daughter who is a serving soldier.