Multiple FBI field offices are reportedly working with local police across Texas following a threat made against police on Twitter. The threat called for “24 dead police from Austin to Dallas” with a very specific time and date, July 13, 2016 at 23:00. The Twitter account has been deleted and the person responsible is still unknown. An e-mail from the Austin Police Department was sent to warn first responders of the potential threat, and it states:

As many of you know, there was information that came out on Sunday regarding a specific threat to law enforcement for this Wednesday, July 13th.  In part, the threat mentioned a purge of police officers and an attempt to kill 24 officers in three cities across Texas.  The threat also mentioned a specific date and time for this to happen in Austin as this Wednesday, July 13th at 11:00 p.m. on 6th St.

As soon as this threat was received, two different FBI Field Offices, as well as the Austin Regional Intelligence Center began working on identifying the person responsible for this post, as well as assessing the legitimacy of the threat itself.

It has since been determined that the person responsible for the tweet created the account for the sole purpose of sending out the threat, and then immediately deleted the account.

Additionally, the FBI and the ARIC have utilized all available open source searching techniques to find any indication that this tweet, or its threat, have gained any momentum. At the time of this writing, they have not found it to have been retweeted or forwarded at all. They have not found any groups or individuals putting forth this message or talking about this threat at all. They have not seen it anywhere online except this one deleted tweet.

The ARIC will continue to look and will send out a notification if any of this changes.

ARIC’s analysis of this threat is that it falls in line with the general rhetoric they are seeing on social media over the last two weeks, and that it was a message intended to inspire others to act, as opposed to a legitimate organized effort.

However, out of an abundance of caution our department is taking all steps we believe necessary to protect our officers.