In a historic and rare emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) requested by the United States and Albania and  following Russia vetoing a resolution that condemns their invasion of Ukraine.  Countries have condemned and backed a proposal demanding that the Kremlin stop its invasion of Ukraine in an attempt to corner Russia and stop the ongoing aggression on Ukrainian soil. In a UNGA assembly, no vetoes are allowed, which means Russia or its allies with veto powers cannot block an incoming resolution from passing.

The emergency meeting is considered historic as it is the first time in 40 years that a resolution 337A(V) or the ‘Uniting for Peace’ resolution had been invoked. Furthermore, it is only the 11th time the resolution was cast into political play since November 3, 1950, with the last one being 40 years ago during the Israeli crisis in 1982.

According to the United Nations, the Uniting for Peace resolution can be invoked when there is a lack of unanimity with the Security Council’s permanent members and subsequently fails to exercise its primary responsibility to maintain international peace or security. Who are the permanent members of the UNSC? The US, China, Russia, Britain, and France. In simpler terms, when there is a deadlock regarding an issue within the United Nations Security Council, the aforementioned resolution can be invoked, such as the current issue with Russia’s usage of its veto powers.

More than 100 countries have asked to take the floor. Most have the intention of expressing their support for Ukraine and subsequently condemning the Russian attacks. In order to accommodate the sheer volume of representatives to take the podium, speech times will be allocated till Wednesday, when the assembly is expected to vote on a resolution.

What was said in the UN General Assembly emergency session?