A Foiled Plot

According to The Kyiv Independent, Russian assassins with ties to Special Services were planning to kill the head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, and Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov. They quoted a source from Ukraine’s Security Service, or SBU, that said the assassins were to be paid $150,000 for each killing.

The would-be assassins face down and cuffed. Image Credit: mil.in.ua

However, those fees were never collected because the plot was foiled before it could be carried out.

A Ukrainian Interior Ministry Advisor, Anton Gerashchenko, posted a video and other information concerning the planned attacks on his social media accounts. The video begins with ominous music playing as we have a point-of-view shot from the body cam of a Ukrainian Security Services agent. Stern orders are given to two bag-toting suspects we see strolling down a cobblestone street. In a second, two armed agents appear from the left of the screen, their faces covered, and they quickly take down each of the suspects. Another agent comes in from the right side of the screen as the dog walking with them escapes unharmed. The would-be assassins are in custody.