As many of you know, ISIS has committed yet another attack on targets in the West, bringing their brand of terror to the heart of the City of Love. This comes days after ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre in Beirut and the downing of Metrojet Flight 9268 over the skies of Egypt—an apparent retaliation against increased Russian involvement in Syria in support of the al-Assad regime. Just two weeks prior, the Obama administration sent another 50 Special Forces troops in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, which began in late summer 2014 in response to the continued escalation in this region of unimaginable violence.

With these newest developments in Paris, heads of state from France, the UK, and the U.S. have made statements of solidarity, resilience, and threats of their own retaliation. PM David Cameron chaired an emergency COBR meeting (cabinet office meeting rooms) to prepare for additional targets, which may already be in motion in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. President Obama stated on Friday evening that these events were an “attack on all humanity and the universal values that we share,” going on to offer full U.S. support to our French ally.

French President Francois Hollande, who was in attendance at the football match where a suicide bombing attack took place, called these attacks “cowardly,” going further to state this was an “act of war” and promising the French response will be “merciless.” Finally, the Pope called this a “piece” of the piecemeal Third World War,” which this author mentioned weeks ago after ISIS took responsibility for downing the Russian airliner over Egypt.

Clearly this new escalation of force by ISIS can be interpreted as nothing less than their official declaration of war on not just those nations currently committed in Syria, Iraq, and across the region, but on Western civilization itself. The sides have been chosen: Either you submit to their totalitarian world caliphate or become a target. Whether we want to believe it or not, this is a new world reality. This fascist, intolerant, and brutal group, growing stronger and bolder every day, will stop at nothing, absolutely nothing, to ensure the success of their new caliphate, beginning within the Arab world and, more terrifying, spreading to the rest of the globe.

What brings me nightmares is the lack of solutions to fight against this growing threat. Don’t get me wrong, I have no qualms about eliminating every single last one of these men, women, and (sadly, but true) children that have been brainwashed into thinking this behavior, this war on Western civilization, is the only solution. With that said, I have yet to hear a viable and, more importantly, achievable solution to the shit-storm we find ourselves in.

We have been waging this War on Terror since the tragedy that was 9/11, and after 13 years, two months and three days, we are no safer and less in control than when we woke up that dreadful Tuesday morning. After the continued sacrifice of thousands of lives from countries across the world, as well as the hundreds of thousands of civilians whose lives have been eradicated, stability remains elusive. The world is now racing toward the horrific chaos of world conflict.

Adding troops on the ground in Iraq, Syria, and in other hotspots in the cauldron of the Middle East and North Africa will almost certainly not improve security and will only increase the enemy’s resolve. Airstrikes, bombing campaigns, surgical strikes, and assassinations seem similar to using a BB gun on a pack of rabid badgers.

It is reminiscent of the story of Heracles and the Lernaean Hydra—the more heads of ISIS we eliminate, creating martyrs in the process, dozens upon dozens more appear in their place. This enemy has studied our TTPs and learned from our mistakes in the most deadly century in human history. What’s more, many have been trained by our defense and intelligence agencies, ensuring competent replacements to each level of their leadership. Many expect, even yearn to sacrifice their lives to this poison of violence in order to further their grisly and misguided mission.